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Muromets park
Іллі Муромцю
Свято-Троїцький Собор
Film studio FILM.UA
Stare Misto
El Cuidad (City)
Мозаїчне пано Засновники Києва
Київський муніципальний академічний театр ляльок
Мозаїчне панно
Військові України
Андрій Малишко
Парк Андрія Малишка
Театр драми і комедії на лівому березі
Museum of useless things
International Exhibition Center
Loung bar GUSTOU Nature
Secrets of the left bank.  Part 2

Secrets of the left bank. Part 2

Talking about interesting places and sights worth visiting in Kyiv, people often gets the impression that they are all located on the right bank of the city, and the left bank is uninteresting and boring. However, it is not true at all, and you can make sure of this by using this route. You will be able to visit the largest Ukrainian film studio, admire blooming cherry blossoms in Kyoto Park, see many different fish and even sharks in the "Sea Tale" aquarium, and visit other interesting places on the left bank.
Distance 24.1 km
Duration 4 h 43 m
14 Places to visit
5 Places to impress
2 Places to eat