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Hall of chamber and organ music
Harp with an angel
Music Square
Maria Nesvytska (Rivnenska)
Teatralna square
Ulas Samchuk
Regional Music and Drama Theater
The Literary Museum of Ulas Samchuk
Amber Museum
Children's puppet theater
Seven Fridays
Simon Petlyura
Volynska Kryivka
Victims of the Chernobyl disaster
Holy Ascension Cathedral
European square
Forged sculpture
Wrought iron sculpture
Wrought iron sculpture
Forged sculpture
European Square
Forged sculpture
Forged sculpture
Vrugt iron sculpture
Photo zone
Local history museum
Swan Lake
Youth Park (Lebedinka)
Sign of the family Lymych
Basivkut settlement
Rivne in two days.  Day 1

Rivne in two days. Day 1

The first mention of Rivne dates back to 1283. Despite its long and interesting history, today it is not a well-known tourist center. But there are many interesting places, and this route includes some of them. Walking along it, you will see the Theater Square, Lebedyn Lake, the Amber Museum, the Alley of Forged Figures and the ancient Basivkut settlement.
Distance 8.0 km
Duration 1 h 34 m
25 Places to visit
7 Places to impress
2 Places to eat